Postgraduate Education Practitioners Network— Online Workshop 2023

This online workshop, run by the Postgraduate Education Practitioners Network (formerly the Graduate Education Managers network) will examine the issues of Export Control and also
Home Recruitment & Admissions.
This half-day online workshop will will allow practitioners of postgraduate education from institutions across the UK to come together to discuss some of these key issues currently affecting the postgraduate sector.
Issues Covered
- Export Control
- Recruitment & Admissions of UK Students
Welcome & Introduction
Kerri Gardiner | University of Cambridge & co-Chair of the PEP Network
Susanna Broom | University of Sussex & co-Chair of the PEP Network
Ice Breaker Discussions
What are the hot topics currently facing PGRS in your institution?
Export Control
Rhys Morgan | Head of Research Policy, Governance and Integrity, University of Cambridge
Recruitment & Admissions
Small Group Discussions
Discussion Session
Hot topics in your institution
Future network activities